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Film List
Film List:Yes
Film Info
Buy A Pass:Click Here
Director(s):Olivia Peace
Country:United States
Running Time:82 min
Type of Film:Fiction
Premiere Status:Massachusetts Premiere (Available to the New England Region)
American Jewish Life
Death and Dying
FreshFlix/Young Adult


Carrie Lowenstein and Hannah Rosen have been best friends since childhood. When their former Hebrew school classmate dies by suicide, they attend the funeral and their synagogue’s “teen talk-back” session, designed to help them process their grief. But the girls are distracted by complicated teenage feelings around lust, social status, and wavering faith. An innocent kiss turns Carrie's world inside out, leaving both friends as confused, misguided, and stuck in their own heads as ever.


Available to the New England Region.


Thank you to our community partners, the Boston Women's Film Festival, Wicked Queer, the Bright Lights Film Series and Keshet.

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