Plan A

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Director(s):Yoav Paz
Doron Paz
Running Time:90 min
Type of Film:Fiction
Premiere Status:East Coast


Max, a holocaust survivor, has lost all his family in the camps. Full of rage and with nothing left to live for other than revenge he helps the Jewish Brigade, soldiers under British command, to off the record, find and execute Nazis accused of leading positions in the Nazi system. When the brigade is called off, Max follows Anna and a group of former partisans to Nuremberg, soon realizing that they will not find redemption in the upcoming Nuremberg trials. Led by charismatic leader Abba Kovner, they formulate the most ambitious revenge operation in history - “Plan A.” They infiltrate German water companies as undercover engineers with the singular goal: to poison the drinking water in Nuremberg, Munich, Cologne, Weimar, and Hamburg and “to kill six million Germans, one for every Jew slaughtered by the Germans''.

Directed by Yoav and Doron Paz (Jeruzalem, BJFF 2015).

Nominated: Best Cinematography, Award of the Israeli Film Academy

Screening as part of the Cummings Social Justice Film Series.

In Partnership with Facing History and Ourselves


*Film contains adult content.

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