The Accountant of Auschwitz

  • The Driver is Red
  • The Driver is Red
  • The Driver is Red


West Newton Cinema Tue, Nov 13, 2018 7:00 PM
Film Info
Director(s):Matthew Shoychet
Language:English, German
Running Time:78 min
Type of Film:Documentary
Premiere Status:New England
Sponsored By:Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Boston


More than 40 years after serving as an SS officer at Auschwitz, Oskar Gröning told the world what he had done; his admission led to his trial for complicity in the murder of 300,000 Jews. While the majority of SS officers have gone unprosecuted, a new generation is reopening investigations against the living perpetrators of some of history’s worst crimes. Gröning’s trial and others like it raise fundamental moral questions with few simple answers.


Screening as part of the Cummings Social Justice Film Series


Followed by a conversation with director Matthew Shoychet and editor Ted Husband


Sponsored by the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Boston and the Consulate General of Canada in Boston

Included Shorts

The Driver is Red (15min) More