Chasing Portraits


MFA Remis Auditorium Sun, Nov 18, 2018 2:30 PM
Film Info
Director(s):Elizabeth Rynecki
Country:United States
Language:English and Polish
Running Time:78 min
Type of Film:Documentary
Premiere Status:Massachusetts


In this deeply personal and engaging documentary, director Elizabeth Rynecki sets out to find the remaining work of her greatgrandfather, Moshe Rynecki, a painter who captured scenes of pre-war Jewish life in Poland. Spanning four generations, this compelling film is a moving narrative of the richness of one man’s vision, the devastation of war, the impact art has on its viewers and owners, and one woman’s unexpected path to healing.


Followed by a conversation with director Elizabeth Rynecki, moderated by Jan Darsa, Director of Jewish Education at Facing History and Ourselves. 


Sponsored by Facing History and Ourselves


Co-presented by The Boston Women's Film Festival