Shared Legacies: The African-American Jewish Civil Rights Alliance

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Film List
Film List:Yes
Film Info
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Director(s):Dr. Shari Rogers
Program:Social Justice
Country:United States
Running Time:95 min
Type of Film:Documentary
Premiere Status:Boston Premiere
American Jewish Life
Faith and Spirituality


The historical ties between Black and Jewish Americans began long before the Civil Rights era. Shared Legacies explores this significant alliance, sharing eyewitness accounts, interviews with civil rights leaders, including the late U.S. Representative John Lewis, and a treasure trove of archival footage. The film is a tribute to the pursuit of what Dr. King called a "coalition of conscience" and a celebration of partnership, as well as an urgent call to action for today.


Live conversation with director Dr. Shari Rogers, Ph.D, Susannah Heschel and Ed Gaskin, moderated by Robin Washington on Saturday, November 14, 7:30 pm included with your ticket.


Thank you to our community partner, the Roxbury International Film Festival.


Available to the New England Region. 

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