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Film List
Film List:Yes
Film Info
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Director(s):Talya Lavie
BJFF Alumni Director
Love Stories
Running Time:90 min
Type of Film:Fiction
Premiere Status:Massachusetts Premiere
FreshFlix/Young Adult


A new comedy from the director of Zero Motivation (BJFF 2014). Upon arriving at their honeymoon suite, bride Eleanor (Avigail Harari, The Other Story) discovers that her new husband’s ex-girlfriend gave him a ring as a wedding giftand she is livid. Eleanor insists that before they can enjoy the glow of their wedding night, they must find the ex and return the ring. A simple mission turns into an all-night odyssey, taking them across Jerusalem, forcing them to confront past lovers, repressed doubts, and the lives they are leaving behind.


Available to the United States.


Official Selection, Tribeca Film Festival 2020


Live conversation with Director Talya Lavie on Friday, November 12, 1:30 pm included with your ticket.


Thank you to our community partner, the Boston Women's Film Festival

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