They Ain't Ready For Me

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Film List
Film List:Yes
Film Info
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Director(s):Brad Rothschild
Program:Social Justice
Country:United States
Running Time:87 min
Type of Film:Documentary
American Jewish Life
Faith and Spirituality


Dynamic, energetic, and inspiring, Tamar Manasseh is an African-American rabbinical student who is leading the fight against violence on the South Side of Chicago. For years, Tamar, a mother of two, has spent every summer day sitting on the corner in her neighborhood, dedicating the area for safe play. Through this simple but revolutionary act, Tamar reminds her neighbors that there are people who care if they live or die.  Tamar’s organization, MASK (Mothers Against Senseless Killing), is rooted in her worldview as a mother, a Black woman, and a Jew. Her complex identity and magnetic personality make her a force to be reckoned with and provide a road map for addressing one of America’s most urgent crises.


Thank you to our community partner, the Roxbury International Film Festival.


Live conversation with subject Tamar Manasseh and director Brad Rothschild on Thursday, November 12, 7:30 pm included with your ticket.


Available to the New England Region. 

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