A Father's Kaddish (Short Film Program)

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Where Do We Go From Here?: Short Film Program
Virtual Cinema Wed, Nov 4, 2020
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A collection of short films exploring next steps.
Film Info
Director(s):Jennifer Kaplan
Country:United States
Type of Film:Documentary
Premiere Status:US Premiere
Topic:American Jewish Life
Death and Dying
Faith and Spirituality
Family Relationships


A week after his son’s death, Steve Branfman, a potter and teacher, went to his studio and made Japanese-style tea bowl. He did the same each day for a year, performing his own personal Kaddish. After nine years, Steve fired the 365 bowls and exhibited them. A potent and moving film about the universality of loss, mourning, and rebuilding a life, told through the unique experience of art.

Join director Jen Kaplan and subject Steven Branfman for a live Q&A with filmmakers from our short film program Where Do We Go From Here? on Sunday, November 8th at 4:00 pm.






