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Film List
Film List:Yes
Film Info
Buy A Pass:Click Here
Director(s):Jurgis Matulevicius
Based on a Book
Running Time:104 min
Type of Film:Fiction
Premiere Status:US Premiere
Russia/Former Soviet Union


During Lithuania’s 1941 Lietukis Garage Massacre, Andrius Gluosnis brutally kills Isaac, his Jewish neighbor, whom he believes had reported him to the NKVD. Decades later, Gluosnis’ old friend, now a famous movie director, returns to Soviet Lithuania with a screenplay detailing the events of the massacre. Gluosnis is still plagued with guilt and, when the screenplay is taken in as evidence, images from the past begin to collide with his present. Visually stunning, Isaac takes viewers through several decades, exposing trauma, the shock of war, and the complicated nature of a friendship diverged. 


Adult Content - Graphic Violence


Available to the New England Region.


Live conversation with Director Jurgis Matulevicius on Sunday, November 8th, 3:00pm included with your ticket.


Thank you to our community partner, the Consulate General of the Republic of Lithuania

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