Love & Stuff

  • Miss You (w/ Love & Stuff)

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Film List
Film List:Yes
Film Info
Buy A Pass:Click Here
Director(s):Judith Helfand
Program:Family Stories
Running Time:80 min
Type of Film:Documentary
Premiere Status:Massachusetts Premiere
Topic:American Jewish Life
Death and Dying
Family Relationships


After her mother’s death, award-winning filmmaker Judith Helfand, spends months sorting through boxes and belongings. She finds home videos of Jewish holidays, family celebrations, and of time spent with her mother, Florence. As she struggles to say goodbye, Helfand embarks on a new chapter--adopting a child and embracing single motherhood at 50. Suddenly she must deal with her own “stuff,” clearing out boxes to make space for a child, undergoing gastric sleeve surgery, and considering mother-daughter relationships from a new perspective. A generous and personal story about triumphant recovery, memories, and family.




Live conversation with Director/Subject Judith Helfand on Tuesday, November 10th, 7:30pm included with your ticket.


Thank you to our sponsor, the Jewish Women's Archive and our community partner, the Boston Women's Film Festival.


Available to Massachusetts. 

Note: Purchase of ticket includes a feature (Love & Stuff) and short film (Miss You).

Did you know? All films and special programs are included with an All-Access Pass.  For your convenience, click here to get yours!

Included Shorts

Miss You (w/ Love & Stuff) (10min) More