Shiva Baby

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Film List
Film List:Yes
Film Info
Buy A Pass:Click Here
Director(s):Emma Seligman
Country:United States
Running Time:71 min
Type of Film:Fiction
Premiere Status:Massachusetts Premiere
Topic:American Jewish Life
FreshFlix/Young Adult


When Danielle joins her family at a shiva, the last person she expects to run into is Max, the ‘sugar daddy’ she said goodbye to just a few hours earlier. With this unexpected clash of her worlds, Danielle is forced into juggling multiple roles: the good Jewish daughter, entertaining small talk with estranged relatives, playing it cool with her ex-girlfriend Maya, and keeping her relationship with Max a secret. A provocative and comedic examination of relationships in the ‘hook-up’ culture of the digital age. 


Join us for a live conversation with director Emma Seligman and Bright Lights Series programmer Anna Feder, with an introduction by Katherine Irving, Director of Programming at the Boston Women's Film Festival on Saturday, November 7, 7:30pm


Live conversation included with purchase of ticket or pass. 


Thank you to our community partners, IFFBoston, the Boston Women's Film Festival, Wicked Queer, the Bright Lights Film Series and Keshet.


Available to Massachusetts. 

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