The Viewing Booth

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Director(s):Ra'anan Alexandrowicz
United States
Running Time:70 min
Type of Film:Documentary
Premiere Status:Massachusetts Premiere


In a unique encounter between filmmaker and viewer, director Ra'anan Alexandrowicz has Maia Levy, an American college student, watch videos of life in the West Bank in his studio’s “viewing booth.” The footage is unlike any she’s seen before and contradicts some of her most deep-seated beliefs.  As she watches, she verbalizes her reactions, granting the audience unique access to the internal experience of another viewer. Six months later, Maia returns to the studio to watch footage of her initial experience in the booth.  Her candid, immediate reactions form a one-of-a-kind cinematic testimony to the psychology of the viewer in the digital era. Witnessing Maia’s candid and reflective analysis of her previous commentary is a staggering demonstration of the idea that seeing is not always believing.


Live conversation with Director Ra'anan Alexandrowicz included with purchase of ticket or pass.


Co-presented with our community partner, The DocYard.


Available to Massachusetts. 

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