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Film List
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Film Type:Stream
Film Info
Buy A Pass:Click Here
Director(s):Veronica Selver
Susan Fanshel
Country:United States
Running Time:70 min
Type of Film:Documentary
Premiere Status:Massachusetts Premiere


In 1906, Irmi Selver was born in Chemnitz, Germany, where she grew up, married, and began her own family. Nothing prepared Irmi for the upheavals and tragedy that were in store for her, or for the many times she would have to start her life over in an unfamiliar place. Irmi is a deeply personal film made by a daughter inspired by her mother’s story and spirit. It explores how unexpected events and chance encounters can shape a life and reveal its true nature. Using Irmi’s memoir—beautifully read by the actress Hanna Schygulla and with a richly emotional score by composer, Todd Boekelheide, the film is a portrait of a woman whose strength, resilience, and joie de vivre could not be vanquished even in the face of unimaginable loss.


Boston Jewish Film is thrilled to honor Nancy Gossels for her outstanding commitment to elevating Jewish arts and culture. A special recorded award presentation will screen before the film.

Live conversation with co-directors  Veronica Selver and Susan Fanshel, moderated by Kaj Wilson on Monday, November 8th, at 7pm. Included with purchase of ticket or pass.

For more information on Guests and Presenters, go to our guest page.


Did you know? All films and special programs are included with an All-Access Pass.  For your convenience, click here to get yours!

Included Shorts

IRMI Q&A (45min) More