Black Slide (w/Summer Nights)

Showing In

Summer Nights w/Black Slide
West Newton Cinema Sun, Nov 6, 2022 1:00 PM
How does the world look to a 6-year old child? In this poetic, visually evocative documentary, father and son talk about life, death, God and a first romantic crush.
Summer Nights w/Black Slide
Virtual Cinema Thu, Nov 10, 2022 12:00 AM - Sun, Nov 13, 2022 11:53 PM
Watch begins November 10
How does the world look to a 6-year old child? In this poetic, visually evocative documentary, father and son talk about life, death, God and a first romantic crush.
Film List
Film List:Yes
Film Type
Film Type:In-Person
Film Info
Director(s):Uri Lotan
Producer(s):Amit Gicelter
Andrew Lord
Running Time:11 min
Type of Film:Animation
Premiere Status:New England Premiere
Coming of Age
Family Relationships


Eviah sneaks into the scariest ride at Aqua Fun and gains insights into events unfolding at home.