FreshFlix Short Film Competition

  • Broken Bird (FreshFlix Short Film Competition)
  • Esther (FreshFlix Short Film Competition)
  • Grey Zone (FreshFlix Short Film Competition)
  • Jegna (FreshFlix Short Film Competition)
  • Masel Tov Cocktail (FreshFlix Short Film Competition)
  • Safiyyah (FreshFlix Short Film Competition)
  • Tamou (FreshFlix Short Film Competition)
  • The Shabbos Goy (FreshFlix Short Film Competition)

No Longer Available

Got a ticket or pass? Click 'Watch Now' to sign in & start streaming anytime beginning November 4th.
Film List
Film List:Yes
Film Info
Buy A Pass:Click Here
Program:Shorts and Episodic
FreshFlix/Young Adult


This celebration of the new voices in Jewish film includes eight new short films. Made by emerging filmmakers from Germany, Israel, Norway and the US. These films represent the wide range and talent of filmmakers working on Jewish films today. Join us for a conversation with the filmmakers and don’t forget to vote for the FreshFlix Audience Award! The first and second place winners take home the audience award prize! For more information about the films, visit


These films were all selected by a prestigious jury: Caleb Alemany, Bradley Babendir, Goldie Eder, Naomi Fireman, Sara Gardner, Olivia Grant, Samarjeet Wable, and Lani Weil. 


Live conversation with filmmakers Rachel Gordon Harrison (Broken Bird), Arkadij Khaet & Mickey Paatzsch (Masel Tov Cocktail), Tzor Edery & Tom Prezman (Tamou) on Thursday, November 5th, 7:00pm included with your ticket. 


Vote for your favorite film at! First and second place winners will be unveiled on November 15. 


Available to Massachusetts. 


Thank you to our community partner, the Roxbury International Film Festival

Did you know? All films and special programs are included with an All-Access Pass.  For your convenience, click here to get yours!

Included Shorts

Broken Bird (FreshFlix Short Film Competition) (10min) More
Esther (FreshFlix Short Film Competition) (12min) More
Grey Zone (FreshFlix Short Film Competition) (10min) More
Jegna (FreshFlix Short Film Competition) (5min) More
Masel Tov Cocktail (FreshFlix Short Film Competition) (30min) More
Safiyyah (FreshFlix Short Film Competition) (9min) More
The Shabbos Goy (FreshFlix Short Film Competition) (7min) More
Tamou (FreshFlix Short Film Competition) (10min) More