Broken Bird (FreshFlix Short Film Competition)

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FreshFlix Short Film Competition
Virtual Cinema Wed, Nov 4, 2020
Got a ticket or pass? Click 'Watch Now' to sign in & start streaming anytime beginning November 4th.
Film Info
Director(s):Rachel Harrison Gordon
Country:United States
Running Time:10 min
Type of Film:Fiction
Premiere Status:Massachusetts Premiere
American Jewish Life
Faith and Spirituality
Family Relationships


Birdie, who lives with her White Jewish mom, is preparing for her Bat Mitzvah. When she spends a rare day with her Black father, she overcomes her doubts, and invites him back into her life. As Birdie navigates the different aspects of her identity, she confronts what independence means, stepping into adulthood on her own terms.

Director Rachel Gordon Harrison will be part of the live FreshFlix conversation on Thursday, November 5th at 7:00 pm.